Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Not Exactly Accurate

On my first trip to China, we spent most of our time in small villages that are still very traditional in dress and customs, at least among the older generation. I just love the colorful grannies and the weathered old men.

Today (Sunday) we spent time in Dali Old Town. Near it is the new part of Dali, which is rapidly becoming a modern city. Much of Old Town is a shopping district, attracting a lot of Chinese tourists, though it retains the beauty of the old architecture and lovely streets. Much of the crowd was young and very stylish. After wandering for several hours, I stopped to rest. I started reviewing the photos I had taken and came to the realization that if someone were to rely on my photos to give them a sense of what Dali is like, they would have to conclude that it is entirely populated by older people in traditional dress. I have developed a finely-tuned radar that picks up any granny within a two block radius!